Want 5 Secrets to Healthy Lifestyle?

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The older we get, the more crucial it is to maintain health, and it is never too late! Maintaining an active lifestyle which includes some form of exercise, contributes to the quality of life, mobility, and injury prevention.  The challenge is most people fail to exercise due to either lack of physical stamina or time constraints.

Here are 5 tips to help get you started and stay motivated:

  1. Find a fitness routine you enjoy! If you want to commit to an exercise program, the best way to ensure its success is by identifying activities you find enjoyable. According to Harvard Health, a great way to start with the hope of maintaining stability and independence is walking. Walking more is a great way to improve health. This can be done in an easy 10-minute segment morning, afternoon and evening. Creating an exercise schedule helps you develop a routine. Keep in mind everyone should aim to be physically active about 5 to 6 days a week. You can choose dancing, swimming, or biking if walking is not your forte. Ideally, your exercise routine should include strength training as well. Aim for 2 to 3 days a week to maintain and build muscle mass. Keep in mind the minimum recommended level of weekly physical activity, which is 150 minutes a week, contributes to health benefits. However, these benefits are only realized when you are committed. 

2. Start slowly. Beginning a fitness program can seem like a lofty goal. Be kind to yourself and ease into a routine.  After the initial first couple of workouts, you may experience some aches and pains due to muscle soreness. This should be expected. However, within a few weeks, you’ll notice this less and less until you begin to change up your routine. Listening to your body is key and rest if you need to. It’s okay to ease off and modify exercises, even take a day or two off to allow for your body to recover.

3. Incorporate healthy eating!  Healthy nutrition works in tandem with a fitness routine. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of what you are putting in your body, especially if you hope to gain all the benefits of your new exercise program. Fueling your body with healthy, nutrient-dense foods can help you stay active longer, which helps improve mental and physical health. Choose whole rather than processed foods to improve stamina, metabolism, and bone health. Aim for those colorful foods at the market: fruits, vegetables, legumes, starches, and proteins. An app to track your process would be a great tool.

4. Challenge and reward yourself. As you progress through your fitness journey, it is a great idea to challenge yourself by increasing the duration of your walk or increasing your weights during strength training. You can even try different workouts. Incorporate celebrating and rewarding yourself when you reach your goals or new milestones! This is a great tool for motivation.

5. Find a friend or group. Exercising with friends or groups helps you to stay focused and motivated. It is a good idea to recruit friends to come along with you on your walks or attend fitness group sessions to not only gain momentum for your exercise but increase your motivation.

Starting an exercise routine if you have fallen off the wagon or really never had one is not easy but worth it. You experience more energy, better sleep, better mental health, and less difficulty performing activities of daily living. It is worth the effort!

Remember, before you begin any exercise program be sure that you consult your health provider so that your exercise program suits your needs and abilities. You may also need your provider’s approval if you have any limitations or need special instructions. A fitness assessment is an important tool that helps provide feedback and track improvement and motivation. You can get this from a certified personal trainer. Feel free to email me if you have questions at marianne@wellnessthisway.com

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