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Occasionally, nutritional information such as calories, fat, carbohydrates, etc. may be displayed with recipes found on the Website. This information is generated by an online API that recognizes ingredient names and amounts and makes calculations based on the serving size selected by Wellness this Way. While this information can be helpful in estimating the nutritional information of a recipe, it is by no means accurate or official and is not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. As these figures are only estimates, the reader should be advised that nutritional content may vary due to several factors, such as how much of an ingredient is used vs. how much will actually be eaten, brand differences, and more. To ensure the most accurate nutritional information, the reader should make calculations based on the ingredients actually used, using their own preferred method or consulting with a licensed nutritional expert. This Website is not intended as a source of nutritional or food safety advice, and its readers assume full responsibility for any decisions made regarding their own health and safety.


Small Steps, Big Changes!

 Hi, I’m Marianne. You might believe that making slight tweaks to your way of life won’t have much of an impact. Learn More!